This year was no exception......
They set the table with green plates and cups and much to Mommy's dismay they left a breakfast of Lucky Charms and donuts with green sprinkles. Don't those bad little dudes know I like for the kids to eat a nutritious breakfast?! Thankfully they also left some kiwi and pears.
A perennial favorite....the green toilet water.
A perennial favorite....the green toilet water.
Just before going to bed, the Mommy made the kids clean up the playroom and wouldn't you know the leprechauns got out all the green toys. Ryan was quite upset that he missed the lightsaber dual with his two green lightsabers and Meg noticed they had a tea party with all of her green dishes and food!
It's hard to tell, but even our milk was green!
They even erased our Bible memory verse and left us a message in green chalk.
We'll get you next year!!!
The trap was sprung, but no leprechauns :( But they did leave a trail of gold coins in their hasty retreat.
And just to make sure our new addition didn't feel left out.....poor Biscuit got it too.
Poor Rowdy always gets humiliated by the leprechauns. Last year he was covered in green hairbows and this year it was Ryan's frog towel.
They even erased our Bible memory verse and left us a message in green chalk.
We'll get you next year!!!
that is too cute!! gotta love those crazy guys :)